heyho!! how are you guys?? its been a long time after my last post, okay i have reasons why im not blogging anything forlooonggg time.....firstly, u know in this semester (i'm semester 5 now..) i really lost my youth!! so many home works, assignment, and bla.. bla.. bla..
secondly, i'm busy preparing my photo exhibition in feb, at Galeri Antara i hope you come and see my photo exhibition, i will inform you then..
thats it?
nope!! but i really enjoy my activities for seriously..
but we can chit chat in my twitter i love to share what ive done today in my account, so we can still keep in touch :)
one thing that has not change is..... my grammar! its still bad!! hahaha okay, at least i'm keep trying and always improve :D
a few weeks a go, im very happy because mbak Kalista asked me to be Retail Therapy stylish!! wohhhoooo!! very excited!! thank you mbak Kal for a chance..
i will show you something that you must have this month!!!

im craving for assymetrical cape coat, winter cape beige, sequined collar loose top, the rainbow vest too.. oh my godness!! everything in this lookbook looks so gorgeous!! you can check Retail Therapy full collection in here or here!! and hey, they have special discount for they followers in twitter, go follow them in here